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City Reports 2007

I see a number of lanes are getting names or renamings. I note that the old WCB lands off the 400 has street names in honour of Liberal politicans, like that twerp Judy Scro and Sergio Marchi (where's Joe Volpe Blvd?)
Hmm, there's 5 lane namings on the agenda. That's significant - isn't it the case that, if a lane has a name, you can build on it? (ie. places on the lane can have an address)
9b Pedestrian Link - Intersection of King Street West and Shaw Street to Liberty Village
(December 22, 2006) report from Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


The City Planning Division recommends that:
The Chief Planner and Executive Director of the City Planning Division report to Toronto and East York Community Council in the 3rd quarter of 2007 on an implementation plan and financial implications to implement a pedestrian link from Shaw Street south of King to the Liberty Village Area.

About time!
Thanks - the new format is bit of a pain to use did mention 50 St. Joseph:

TE2.19 ACTION Transactional Wards: 27
Preliminary Report - Part of 50 St. Joseph Street
(December 20, 2006) report from Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


The City Planning Division recommends that:

1. staff be directed to schedule an open house / information session together with the Ward Councillor;

2. notice for the open house / information session be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site; and

3. notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations under the Planning Act.


An application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law has been submitted to permit a residential development consisting of three multi-storey towers (25, 37 and 45) and three six storey buildings on lands with frontage on Bay Street, St. Joseph Street and St. Mary Street.

The development site forms part of 50 St. Joseph Street, which is owned by St. Michael's College. This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the application and on the community
consultation process. The next step is to undertake a community engagement process, which will include an initial open house / information session enabling the public to review the applicant’s submission, and ask questions of City staff and the applicant.

12 storeys on the East Mall? For this I waited ^&#$@* months? :(
What about this:

"The report provides preliminary unforamtion on an application for a temporary use by-law to premit the temporary relocation of the North St Lawrence Market's weekends market to 125 The Esplanade while the North Market building redevelops"
Looks like Star of Downtown is a go.

And, not surprisingly, no mention of Trump. Weren't they supposed to put in for their permits on the 5th?
