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New Garbage Bins



I was walking on Queen West at McCaul, when I came across this plastic, blue garbage can which seemed to be abused already. Dispite the somewhat lame slogans printed on the box, (which seem reminiscant of the pathetic anti-litter campaign of the TTC) someone had still managed to dump some McDonald's fries on the sidewalk infront of it.





More on this issue onSpacing's Wire
Wow, it looks like a cheap toy. That ain't how you do street furniture.
I hate it, however I'll take it for now.

Until 2008/2009 when the new stuff arrives, we need to continue to keep our streets clean. I much rather have this thing than what we currently have out there now.

It is so simple and practical in so many ways:

It's big and blue like a recycling box and instead of advertising has nice City of Toronto "Clean Beautiful City" Slogans and Logos.

It's plastic which makes it easier to clean.

It's looks virtually impossible to post any posters off the side of that thing with the rows of groves.

It has a curved roof, which makes it harder to leave trash on top of it.

It's probably a legacy project from David Miller, since all the new bins have "Clean City" plaques attached to them. Even if Miller gets voted out of office, whenever you walk by these bins you can tell that Miller put them there.

Not the best of bins, but I think they're more acceptable than the megabins.
That sounds a bit conspiratorial wylie. Maybe it's just a garbage bin.
The design can use some improvements, but I second FM - it's functional and looks like it could do the job. It's also recognizable among the street clutter.

Personally, I hate it. But I'm glad its only a temporaty solution. For some reason blue plastic makes me nausious. I like the shape and design but the materials/colour are dissapointing and remind me of Porta-pottys. I think they could have done alot better job with this one.
Why can't they figure out to make a trash bin with the opening on top. Most of the time i see people trying to throw garbage into the sides because they dont want to touch that garbage juice which covers all around the opening.
But I'm glad its only a temporaty solution. For some reason blue plastic makes me nausious.
The blue plastic was likely chosen specifically to ensure it is a temporary solution.

Temporary solutions that are "good enough" tend to become permanent solutions simply due to a lack of motivation to change it.
Take a picture of the same bin, say, a week from now. Let's run a pool to see how much graffiti and posters are put on it, and whether it's overflowing or not.
Miller's regime has had almost three years to prove that it can deliver on his supposed commitment to good design ... and we end up with this.
Maybe they chose blue because that's the colour people associate with recycling (like blue boxes).
Also seems like a little Giles Gilbert Scott tribute in the design (London's red phonebooths)
I would like to see a smaller, more practical version of the current bins downtown (the ones that are metal painted black with the decorative metal on the sides)
That blue garbage bin looks ridiculous. Is Fischer-Price making garbage bins now because it does look like the plastic toys are made of.

That "Clean City, Beautiful City" slogan reminds me of the English version of a Chinese slogan or restaurant name. Beijing 2008 changed their slogan to "One World, One Dream" which is a decent slogan but the one they were using previously "New Beijing, Great Olympics" seems on par with "Clean City, Beautiful City".
