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GTA Aeroship (Sightseeing by Zeppelin)

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Feb 27, 2014
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I wonder if Toronto folks might consider a repurposing of the Island airport for local sightseeing?

Per Wikipedia:

In part:
"By July 1914, one month before the start of World War I, DELAG's Zeppelins had transported 34,028 passengers on 1,588 commercial flights; the fleet had flown 172,535 kilometres in 3,176 hours."

"... flights lasting between 90 minutes and two hours were offered for a price of 200 Dm." (I guesstimate about $150 Cdn at todays rates.)

So, instead 21st century lighter-than-air tech (same as Canadian companies already build and use up north for hauling bunches of tree logs). Another example:

So, Germany early last century:


City of Toronto could get 100% of net profits from this tourism business. Yes?


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And BTW, I would expect folks to line up for a chance to fly "low and slow" sight-seeing around the GTA.
Think big (low, slow) propellers spun by electric motors. (Energy stored in fast-swap batteries. And not "classic" heavy lead-acid but instead some flavour of lithium, and batteries recharged by solar or Savonius rotors or wind vanes.) Sight-seeing via binoculars or telescopes. Whole affair "eco-friendly".
Well, so far dozens of viewers for these recent posts (re "dirigible" concept) and other than the "odd" comment or two, maybe 100% interested? Zero outright negative comments? Perhaps none wish to "stick their necks out"?

Re lighter-than-air travel, here's an experiment kids can try (for example, next time they're at the beach or anywhere near water (H2O) or have water available. "How to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis":

Yes folks, it ain't "rocket science". :)

So any sightseeing "dirigibles" aka "GTA Aeroship" could be lifted "eco-friendly" style on water from Lake Ontario with electric power from photo-voltaic panels (solar) and winds (solar) stored in recyclable and fast swappable lithium batteries.
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BTW. I'd forgotten I'd posted this thought re "dirigible" tourism on UT before as thread "FLYING around Toronto (For fun and for profit.)":

... which the "powers that be" (perhaps some "Wizard behind the curtain") for this UT forum chose to move to the "soapbox" here. Sad, really. Had hoped folks here might like to engage in thoughtful conversation re the use and future of that airport on Toronto Islands.
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Henry Giffard did it:

(300m3 of hydrogen w/3hp motor and max. speed only 9km/h for 27km)

But that was in 1852. We're much "smarter" these daze of course.


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Well, so far dozens of viewers for these recent posts (re "dirigible" concept) and other than the "odd" comment or two, maybe 100% interested? Zero outright negative comments? Perhaps none wish to "stick their necks out"?

Or people don't care one way or another about your post. Not everything posted is worth comment, such as the idea for dirigibles floating around the city.
Sorry "Picard102". Just thought some here might be interested in an "eco-friendly" way for the City to make money from that old airport (rather than breathing poisonous gasses I mean). AFAIK, that airport was originally built to train fighter aircraft pilots, rather than for commercial traffic? Perhaps the next time folks are stuck in traffic and sucking up others engine exhausts they'll remember this thread?

Hehe... I know this thread is supposed to be about the Toronto Islands airport (or whatever it's called these daze), but half expecting someone to post a pic of a deadly car accident, claiming that travel by automobile isn't safe.


(Clearly, to be perfectly safe, folks should just stay in bed rather than operating dangerous equipment. Or trying to cross the street.)

My guess, our City would have folks lining up to get to sight-see around the GTA "in style". And in travels to other cities too ("GTA Airship/Zeppelin" a primo Ambassador for our city.)


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Hehe... I know this thread is supposed to be about the Toronto Islands airport (or whatever it's called these daze), but half expecting someone to post a pic of a deadly car accident, claiming that travel by automobile isn't safe.
I'm afraid you've entirely missed the point. No one is saying that Zepplins are unsafe. We are saying the discussion has crashed and burned.

The Hindenburg was certainly a sight to be seen though. Even if it does take the thread closer to Godwin:

I don't see much relevance of this to the airport though ... any more than ferris wheels are relevant to the Portlands discussion.


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I don't see much relevance of this to the airport though ... any more than ferris wheels are relevant to the Portlands discussion.

This, more than anything, is the likely cause of the complete lack of response/interest in Rock's its own thread, you might be able to determine what people's interest level in this sort of craft for sight seeing....but people who click to see the latest news of the "daze" about YTZ or Porter may not have much (any?) interest in it.
Hehe... from Post #1 in this thread:
"The Island Airport and this airline are real assets to Toronto."

Def. YES re Part 1 above, but re Part 2, def. agreed Porter produces waay less pollution than Gardiner Expressway, Don Valley Parkway, err... Queen Street, et al, but some might point out that adding ANY more pollution to our mix in Ontario may not be a "good thing"?

At one point I've stood outside the gate (Island side) and downwind of an airplane firing up it's engines (funny expression) and the smell of burnt avgas was... most impressive. (One theory, supply of any fossil fuels is NOT unlimited. Bound to get more expensive over time.)

I first got interested in alternative methods of transportation riding the QCYC club "tender" (Tor. islands club ferry for members) run by diseasal (sp?) motor, such that my daughters were actually sickened standing "topside" if the harbour winds were blowing in the same direction as the boat.

Anyway, may have already said here that Toronto may be missing out on a *world class* opportunity re that Islands airport, as I said already sightseeing for *fun* AND for *profit* (in a waay more "eco-friendly" manner). Just one example, Hamilton-area folks could leave their cars there and take a short trip by "GTA Aeroship" to downtown TO for the day. (And stop at the tourist shop to pick up a model GTA Aeroship, etc.) Promo opportunities could be HUGE. Yes?
This, more than anything, is the likely cause of the complete lack of response/interest in Rock's its own thread, you might be able to determine what people's interest level in this sort of craft for sight seeing....but people who click to see the latest news of the "daze" about YTZ or Porter may not have much (any?) interest in it.

Understand! Will "crack" a new/separate thread here "GTA Aeroship (Tourist sightseeing by Zeppelin)", reference this earlier thread and see if any folks can understand what I am suggesting for the Islands airport.

Cheers (and over and out)
No disrespect intended to the airship concept. It doesn't really square with most of the other commentary in the thread's focus on the TPA/Porter saga, but that's not to say that "our" soap opera is any more valid than "your" sci-fi. Lots of room for discussion here.

But on the question of the soap opera, I'm not sure if this article has already been linked:
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