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resetTO: massive changes coming to urban planning in Toronto?


Senior Member
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May 16, 2007
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Anyone else seen this about resetTO?

From the resetTO page:

"To "reset" means to begin again with the same basic principles or context while following a different process. The current planning process functions on a site-by-site basis, which often forces the needs and vision of local neighbourhoods to adjust or keep pace with on-going new development. The development permit system will “reset†the planning process by combining traditional planning tools into one process. This process will include extensive up-front community consultation that results in a planned vision and objectives for the community. The development permit system will ensure that development is in keeping with the local needs expressed through the planned vision and objectives. The result will be a more comprehensive planning process in which outcomes are predictable and align with the expectations of the community."


"The Development Permit System (DPS) is a new land use planning tool available to all Ontario municipalities. It offers an alternative to the traditional site-by-site approach to land use planning. This new planning alternative will be an area-based approach that will enable residents to ensure the existing character and distinctiveness of their neighbourhoods are protected; have confidence that their voices and vision for their communities will be heard; and, that development in their neighbourhoods will progress in a certain, predictable manner. By streamlining the planning process, the DPS will provide residents with greater certainty with regard to new development proposals in their neighbourhood; promote community-building; encourage complete communities; enhance environmental protection and encourage sustainable design and overall design excellence of new development.

The DPS would apply at the scale of an individual neighbourhood, combining zoning, site plan and minor variances into one application and approval process. It is a policy driven planning tool that would begin with the approval of an area-wide plan that was the result of a comprehensive neighbourhood visioning exercise. This means that the community vision embodied in the area-wide plan, would determine the appropriate built form for a neighbourhood and that compatibility of new development within the neighbourhood is ensured through a more predictable and transparent approval process."
