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Dundas Square Aerial (Early 1990's?)



Here's a older pic that I've found of Yonge Street and Dundas Square.

I had forgotten what the northeast corner of Yonge & Dundas looked like without construction hoardings.
Early morning in the summer - the shadows are long, and to the west side of the buildings.
If you look close enough you can see all the drug dealers in front of Licks!!
Its amazing how the Eaton Centre towers dominate the picture. The kinda look like they go alot higher than they really do. The east side of Yonge has developed a bit more of a street wall, since then.
It must have been before Sunday shopping was allowed (started by Bob Ray?)
The LG media tower, pantages, and dundas square (minus the metropolis hoardings), have improved this view tenfold. Although the eaton centre towers, especially 250, look so powerful in that pic.
