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Major Transportation Works (Roads) 2013-2022

Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
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Subject to budget approval, this is a highlight from the analyst notes about the Transportation Services Capital plan

Full Plan can be read here:

The plan does not include the details on smaller projects which are merely grouped as 'resurfacing' , 'reconstruction' and the like.

Major items are broken out, as listed below ($ totals reflect total project cost to completion over up to 10 years):

Previously Approved
Front Street Reconfiguration -
EA & Streetscape


F.G. Gardiner Expressway

Major Roads Reconstruction &

Lawrence Allen Revitalization
Project (Phase 1)

St. Clair West / Metrolinx
Grade Separation
$32,000,000 (under pass widening just east of Keele)

Steeles Widenings (Tapscott -

Legion Road Extension & Grade

Also worth highlighting:

Cycling infrastructure 2013 budget: $11,680,000

North Yonge Centre (North York D/T ring road) 2013: $10,000,000

Six Points Interchange Redevelopment shows up as 2015-2018 at a budget of: $40,548,000
apologies, but what is the six points interchange?

No apologies required! We all learn by asking.

Its the intersection of Dundas/Kipling/Bloor (3 roads, all 2-ways, six points)

The current interchange is completely grade separated.

The intent is to partially un-separate it, to create a more pedestrian-friendly area, adding sidewalks, streetscape, bike lanes etc.
Doris and Beecroft I assume. They've been working on that since well before the amalgamation last century.
Beecroft is due to be extended north to Drewry when the subway gets extended right?

And wow, I never thought I'd see the city actually expand Steele in the northeast. Always seemed to be conflicts with York Region over that idea.
Beecroft is due to be extended north to Drewry when the subway gets extended right?

And wow, I never thought I'd see the city actually expand Steele in the northeast. Always seemed to be conflicts with York Region over that idea.

Same. I was under the understanding that Steeles was under some form of legal limbo in that regard.
Most of the section of Steeles between Yonge and Bathurst seems to be in limbo too. It was repaved but the four lane bottleneck is still there.
