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Apr 24, 2007
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Ward 27 - Tor & E.York OPA / Rezoning 12 162027 STE 27 OZ Apr 26, 2012 ---

Rezoning application for construction of new mixed use building with ground floor retail - 3 storey office space (total 4 storey podium) with 29 stories residential - 33 stories in total - 335 residential units - 4 sub levels 185 parking spaces - 301 bicycle parking spaces.
33 stories is probably appropriate, this is the SE corner of McGill, currently a non-descript two-floor office building.

This could have made a nice site for a Ryerson residence and/or academic space.
33 seems reasonable for a lot that size, and it's already got high rise neighbours on the same block so this shouldn't get too much opposition. It might also serve to help Menkes make their case for 365 to get 30 storeys
I am sure the McGill-Granby Village Residents’ Association will have something to say about it.
33 stories is fine for this location, but for that parking lot across the street, beside the Barn, a <15 storey midrise would be much more appropriate.
I am sure the McGill-Granby Village Residents’ Association will have something to say about it.

Actually, I'm sure prospective buyers, or the lack of them, will have more of a say about what gets built (or doesn't) at this location.
why the difference in height on the west vs. east side of street?

Well, that student residence across the street at Gerrard/Church could've applied for 30+ storeys, but they couldn't get it approved, so I wouldn't assume that applying for quadruple what was approved across the street would fly. Remember, the 50 storey monolith proposed south of the Primrose ... that site was already approved for 18 storeys, so asking for 50 storeys isn't going to happen either.

33-storey condo with office space proposed for Church Street site near Ryerson University campus

01 May 2012

According to an April 26 2012 rezoning application filed with the City, a developer wants to build a 33-storey tower on the 355 Church Street site currently occupied by Family Service Toronto. The building would have a 4-storey podium with street-level retail and 3 floors of office space, topped by a 29-storey residential tower with 335 units. The building would have parking for 185 vehicles on four underground levels, along with 301 bicycle parking spaces.

According to the McGill-Granby Village Residents’ Association website, City of Toronto bylaw 283-83 established a “special identity” for the neighbourhood, recognizing McGill-Granby “as an area which merits planning attention to preserve residential house form dwellings in the City’s core.”

The neighbourhood also is governed by Area Specific Policy 151 of the City’s Official Plan, which requires that new buildings in the area be designed “to minimize the extent to which they overlook, overshadow or block views from existing or committed house-form buildings, and to ensure that the location of new vehicular access routes does not interfere with the use of private open space of adjacent homes.” City planners are, of course, obliged to assess the tower application to ensure compliance with those planning provisions.

365 Church OMB hearing scheduled for July 11

During the course of 2011, the application gradually worked its way through the city’s planning review process; however, city planners had not issued a final report on the project by the end of the year. Late last fall, at one public meeting I attended, a planner said city officials believed that an appropriate height range for a tower at 365 Church would be 15 to 25 storeys. On January 18 of this year, Menkes ultimately exercised its right to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board on the ground that the city had not rendered a decision within the time frame established by provincial law. The OMB will hear the developer’s appeal on July 11 2012.The outcome could have a bearing on the height of the tower proposed for 355 Church across the street.
and here comes the screams of "wow.. what a masterpiece!!!1!!!1111!!!!".

looks meh. (though there appears to be some interesting balcony affects..)
