Developer: Toronto Transit Commission
Architect: Strasman Architects Inc.
Address: Leslie and Lake Shore, Toronto
Category: Institutional, Transit
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Leslie Barns | ?m | ?s | TTC | SAI

I still say 6 is better as it has more room to expand as we are going to need more than 204 cars.

Crossing tracks that will be removed is mute as well the extra 2.5km distance.

We are already 2 years behind when we are supposed to see the first cars ans climbing.
Connaught/Roncey Closure

My first comment is that at first blush it looks like they would remove a big chunk of the berm that now separates the sewage plant from Lakeshore.

If that's the case, I'm not sure I'm crazy about it; and that will be expensive, lots of trees to remove and a huge amount of soil....


Of more interest though is this; I assume that the Ashbridges site would signal the end of Connaught as a car house. They would be too close together for it to make sense to continue.

Which then leaves the question of whether we might the the Green Barns (beach edition). Or some other redevelopment. It would actually be a sensible spot for a TTC bus garage, but given the value of the land, I think that's unlikely.


Now, What about Roncey? I'm assuming they will keep it; to run rolling stock only from the east end would involve incredible dead head time.

Alternatively, I suppose they could go for an additional west end site.....

I hear rumours that CP is again looking at de-commissioning Lambton Yard.

However, you wouldn't want to run all your rolling stock in via St. Clair; so I assume if they did that, they would need to put tracks back on Dundas West.
They are planning to keep both of the existing car houses, the new yard will only store about half of the new fleet and the rest will be spit up at the existing car houses.
The yard capacity is stated as 100 cars, which leaves out 104. With Queen, Carlton, and St. Clair running 24 hrs how many extra cars will there be?
The yard capacity is stated as 100 cars, which leaves out 104. With Queen, Carlton, and St. Clair running 24 hrs how many extra cars will there be?

Those 104 cars will be stored at the existing yards, and I just posted that right above you.

My first comment is that at first blush it looks like they would remove a big chunk of the berm that now separates the sewage plant from Lakeshore.

Given the amount of earthwork for Lower Don Lands - I suspect it would be easy to find a place for that soil. Too bad this didn't happen sooner or it could have went to the berm at West Don Lands instead. What I do wonder is what this site will do to the Ashridges Bay Treatment Plant landscape plan...

Another interesting factoid - the site is owned by...TPA.

According to the June presentation, Russell will store 55 new LRV’s and Roncesvalles will store 53 new LRV’s. The rest will be stored in the new facility.

Allow me to do some math.

53 at Roncesvalles
55 at Russell
100 at Ashbridges Bay

thats a storage capacity of 208 LRVs. Considering 3 lines run 24hrs a day (and thus require no storage for some vehicles), and they are only planning to buy 204 cars, this is a fair bit of extra capacity. Can we assume that the TTC is planning for a possible purchase of 30 or more LRVs in the future?
Allow me to do some math.

53 at Roncesvalles
55 at Russell
100 at Ashbridges Bay

thats a storage capacity of 208 LRVs. Considering 3 lines run 24hrs a day (and thus require no storage for some vehicles), and they are only planning to buy 204 cars, this is a fair bit of extra capacity. Can we assume that the TTC is planning for a possible purchase of 30 or more LRVs in the future?

They could also be assuming there will be another strike when all their 204 cars will need to be stored 24-hours a day. :D
thats a storage capacity of 208 LRVs. Considering 3 lines run 24hrs a day (and thus require no storage for some vehicles), and they are only planning to buy 204 cars, this is a fair bit of extra capacity. Can we assume that the TTC is planning for a possible purchase of 30 or more LRVs in the future?

This shouldn't be surprising, the new lines that will be built on the waterfront will need additional cars.
The Waterfront Corp and TTC wants 7 new cars for it expansion to the east for Queens Quay, 2 for the first part of Cherry St, and another 10 for the other new lines, that 19 additional cars needed.

TTC will find that the 204 needs to be 252 as what we have to deal with growth along with the other 19 cars leaving no spare yard space between the 3 yards and you will need a 4th.

With Option 6, the yard can be expanded as well buying the land to the east of it will be more than enough space.

Now if these were duel ends, they could use one of TC yards assuming the gauge stays the same.
Allow me to do some math.

53 at Roncesvalles
55 at Russell
100 at Ashbridges Bay

thats a storage capacity of 208 LRVs. Considering 3 lines run 24hrs a day (and thus require no storage for some vehicles), and they are only planning to buy 204 cars, this is a fair bit of extra capacity. Can we assume that the TTC is planning for a possible purchase of 30 or more LRVs in the future?

Not all of the ALRV's (and maybe CLRV's) will be disposed of right away. Some will be kept for rush hour service, as were the Peter Witts and PCC's at one time. As you noted, the TTC could be buying even more LRV's after the first batch and after the ALRV's can't be used anymore.
