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  1. T

    November 2020 US Election

    It really isn't all that different from a cult. What they need is deprogramming. Not sure how that would work on a country-wide scale though.
  2. T

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    The Hep B vaccine, at least the one I had, was also a two dose vaccine. Even vaccines sold as single dose aren't always that, and sometimes require a second dose after they test for immunity.
  3. T

    November 2020 US Election

    Pennsylvania just flipped too.
  4. T

    November 2020 US Election

    Can you run a presidential campaign from prison?
  5. T

    November 2020 US Election

    Why would they do that when they can see how split the vote is? Assuming they do retake the senate (and I don't think that's certain yet...CNN is still showing 7 undecided seats), they face negatives either way. Continue to support Trump and all that entails, or face alienating the almost half...
  6. T

    November 2020 US Election

    I think we're in for a mess regardless given that last night's results weren't definitive. CNN is now showing that both Wisconsin and Michigan have flipped blue though, so I'm still hopeful.
  7. T

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    Understood, but I'm not sure what we're doing differently than places like France which are heading back into lockdown because their infection rates are spiking so fast. It makes me worry that we're going to be seeing our own spike in the not too distant future.
  8. T

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    The daily numbers are high, but they've been pretty flat so far. Unlike other places it doesn't look like we're facing exponential growth yet and I don't understand why.
  9. T

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    This new VIA rule must just be a clarification of existing policy. They have been requiring masks for a while. I was on a train a few weeks ago and we were stopped in Brampton for over half an hour while the police were called to escort someone off the train who was refusing to wear a mask.
  10. T

    Toronto Rees Park Playground and Pavillion | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    Right. Is this part of the water management system that's supposed to be under the park, or is this completely separate?
  11. T

    Toronto Rees Park Playground and Pavillion | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    Looks like some work is starting today.
  12. T

    Toronto Rees Park Playground and Pavillion | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    The area they've blocked off for the current construction work.
  13. T

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Sounds will be interesting to see if that stands up to a court challenge.
  14. T

    Toronto Police Service Reformation

    That's incredibly lazy reasoning. Correlation is not causation. We've had record breaking gun/gang crime years when carding was still in place, and there's absolutely zero reason to believe the lack of it had anything to do with the spike last year. We already know the gun problem is...
  15. T

    Rail Deck Park (?, ?, ?)

    I think he likely realizes that he hasn't done much for this city other than being a relatively steady hand. A step above the previous mayor for sure, but ultimately forgettable. He wants a legacy that will be remembered.
  16. T

    Church-Wellesley Village

    580 Church St. The Star published this today: The geek in me is ecstatic.
  17. T

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    There is such a thing: I agree though....any religious/social conservative who votes for Bernier is going to be very disappointed. That's not what he is at all.
  18. T

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    Well']Well[/URL] said Chretien and crew. Caroline Mulroney can't be wearing this easily. But there in no easy choices, either resign or stick with it and try to influence positive change or policy. Assuming she's made any effort to influence Ford against this bone headed and frivolous use of...
  19. T

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    So what is it with this international plowing match? If having a 25 member council is important enough to Ford to use the NW clause, but they're all still heading to the plowing match instead of working to pass this bill, it must be a pretty bid deal.... Also, when I went to google...
  20. T

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Looks like the Star is reporting that this isn't over yet as well:
