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  1. SunriseChampion

    A UT Dream

    I once dreamt that the waterfront was legit......then I woke up, looked out my window and cried my sorry ass back to sleep,
  2. SunriseChampion

    Beauce Boyz: The Continuing Adventures of Mad Max

    😂 Nice one. Banter score: +1 No......of course not. And as you've said to me in the past, "You know better" than to say that.
  3. SunriseChampion

    Beauce Boyz: The Continuing Adventures of Mad Max

    I was talking about you. Level of self-reflection: 0
  4. SunriseChampion

    Beauce Boyz: The Continuing Adventures of Mad Max

    Hun? Said with contempt? That's racist. I'm part German. Anyway...........nice counter. :rolleyes: Brings up a bunch of degens to defend the fact that he's a wannabe tyrant. That's how they all start up.
  5. SunriseChampion

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    Depends who your closest and dearest are.
  6. SunriseChampion

    Green Party of Canada: Leadership Race

    Mate.....these days it's participation ribbons all around.
  7. SunriseChampion

    Beauce Boyz: The Continuing Adventures of Mad Max

    A hard thing to do when the room generally reflect your own views back, eh? You'd know.
  8. SunriseChampion

    How visible are the boundaries between the former Metro municipalities today?

    Scarborough (which is where I grew up) is still very firmly Scarborough. Thanks for asking.
  9. SunriseChampion

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Like most people with money.
  10. SunriseChampion

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Transportation in general is a minor problem, especially given that the car manufacturers are going ahead with electric. Housing is the problem. Can confirm that the gov is stuck on gas.
  11. SunriseChampion

    Planned Sprawl in the GTA

    To be fair...and I do love Churchill (not a typo).......he was informed by bullshit FPTP "democracy". Which isn't democracy at all, but a faux democracy that ends in absolute minority rule. Like South Africa during your youth.
  12. SunriseChampion

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Good. Warehousing people in bootleg buildings like this only perpetuates their downfall. Get them proper housing. Legalise drugs. Treat mental health as a part of health. And don't go easy on people who refuse to help themselves.
  13. SunriseChampion

    2022 election - who is running for mayor?

    Who's the working class' candidate? And no, union slags of the NDP don't qualify. I want people who care about the working class and not unions.
  14. SunriseChampion

    2022 election - who is running for mayor?

    It's called gentrification, mate. This riding is, in need of handout as it once was. That's what I call progress!
  15. SunriseChampion

    2022 election - who is running for mayor?

    I like your wager.....because I reckon it's a good wager. I myself am thinking of running for mayor, but I'm still assembling enough money to destroy the Gardiner. Only about 20% there, and 95% of that is promises of money. Sorry, Toronto......maybe next time. :) There's only so much a...
  16. SunriseChampion

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    I thought that was the plan. As with other vaccinations. Polio, for example? No?
  17. SunriseChampion

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    At its worst, Czechia had ~20K cases per day for some time. With a population ~5m less than Ontario's. Guess what.....their healthcare system didn't collapse. Neither did their society. Case numbers are a largely meaningless metric when presented out of all context.
  18. SunriseChampion

    Toronto Ravine Strategy

    Given the first photo involves a picnic table, they're both urban camping to me. Nice try. :P
  19. SunriseChampion

    Toronto Wolfpack

    Still my local club. :D See ya at the stadium lads!!!!
  20. SunriseChampion

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Don't you worry,'s all shut down again! Just for you! :D
