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News   Sep 20, 2024
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Search results

  1. Admiral Beez

    Toronto Rental Cost (& AirBnB) Issues

    Received this in the mail today. $8,000 a month for a three bedroom rental?! How is this helping to house Torontonians who cannot afford to purchase a home?
  2. Admiral Beez

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    It is odd. I see no benefit to the LPC from high immigration. First of all they cannot vote until they're citizens, and secondly, once they are citizens they're just as likely to vote Conservative. Meanwhile you're driving up unemployment to nearly double that of the USA, rocketing up housing...
  3. Admiral Beez

    TTC: Other Items (catch all)

    That only works if enforcement works. This evening I took the 506 from Parliament to Landsdowne and back from Queens Park stn to Parliament St. I saw at least a dozen people in both directions not tapping on on both trips. When we finally had a fare inspector board the westbound streetcar at...
  4. Admiral Beez

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    30 years is insane. No one can predict where they will be or what their financial or relationship status will be after three decades. For example, 40% of Canadian marriages end in divorce.
  5. Admiral Beez

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    There are multiple senior and influential Dippers who also need to wait out to the pension date. It's not just a Singh thing. None of them will pull the trigger.
  6. Admiral Beez

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Singh wants pharmacare to pass the Senate AND protect his pension. So, no election until Feb 2025.
  7. Admiral Beez

    News from across Asia

    These Mossad guys have moxie, like something out of a Spielberg movie.
  8. Admiral Beez

    Canada and the World

    The British should have kept up their SSK production capability and competed with the Germans, Koreans, etc. The UK has forgotten how to make things. In a famous exchange, Tony Blair asked Angela Merkel to demystify the mystery behind Germany’s economic prowess. Her response? “Mr. Blair, we...
  9. Admiral Beez

    Canada and the World

    New PM PP will cut our defence spending like Harper did to below 1% of GDP.
  10. Admiral Beez

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    When was the last time the Liberals won a by-election? The NDP opposition will not force an election until Singh's pension is secured in Feb 2025. But below is more likely the official reasoning. If I was Trudeau, I'd call the election for two weeks before Singh's pension date just to f#ck...
  11. Admiral Beez

    Canada and the World

    Maybe we’re getting another shot?
  12. Admiral Beez

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    IMO, some of the commitments I want to see from Trudeau's replacement as PM do are as follows: Federal Public Service reduction of employees per population to 2015 levels. Meet NATO commitment of defence spending 2% GDP. Get us into AUKUS and more involved in Pacific defence and countering...
  13. Admiral Beez

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    I don't get this demand that temporary workers should now expect to be given PR status. If I go to, for example Thailand and want to work for a year teaching English, I need a...
  14. Admiral Beez

    Lack of meaningful Passenger Rail service outside the Quebec-Windsor Corridor

    Time will tell if it's all bluster, but we touched on this on the main VIA thread.
  15. Admiral Beez

    Lack of meaningful Passenger Rail service outside the Quebec-Windsor Corridor

    Pointing me to the library is not providing your answer. Did Harper balance the budget?
  16. Admiral Beez

    Lack of meaningful Passenger Rail service outside the Quebec-Windsor Corridor

    Who are these trolls you frequently mention? I don't see any troll-like baiting above.[users]=Urban+Sky&o=date Instead of given attention to whomever has wronged your POV, I suggest we leave it up to the Mods to regulate behaviour.
  17. Admiral Beez

    Lack of meaningful Passenger Rail service outside the Quebec-Windsor Corridor

    True, and a quick search didn't show what I really wanted re. deficits per PM. But outside of a revenue windfall, any government that is trying to balance the budget is not going to be increasing spending.
  18. Admiral Beez

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    PM Poilievre had better rip this program into shreds. And while we're at it, why has the Federal Public Service grown by 43% or 110,738 employees since 2015 during Trudeau's governance when the population has grown by 15%? Assuming salary and benefits of $100k each, that's almost $12 billion...
  19. Admiral Beez

    Lack of meaningful Passenger Rail service outside the Quebec-Windsor Corridor

    Harper never tried to balance the budget. He's Canada's second highest spending PM of all time, see below adjusted to 2022 dollars. Poilievre will likely exceed Trudeau non-pandemic budgets above...
  20. Admiral Beez

    TTC: Streetcar Network

    I saw this fun article in this mornings NYT. Paywall free: Can overseas tram drivers compete? Maybe next year...
