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Recent content by subwayboy

  1. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Yeah, i thought so too (LOL), but then i thought, where would the "horn" cars be placed? Isn't a "conductor" car at the front and rear, and then why wouldn't the front and rear cars have the horns? Maybe you could just educate me on where you feel all three types of cars will be placed. Back...
  2. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    I toured the display yesterday (as i'm sure the vast majority of we subway geeks, here on this forum, probably did - who didn't? - I'm curious), and overall really enjoyed what i could see in amongst the uncomfortable hordes. As you would (all who know me) guess, i was especially pleased to...
  3. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    lol, excellent comment!:D Maybe they're top heavy with all the heavy duty content they're running
  4. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Given what W.K. said i bet we don't see them till late 2012 at this point. No source, just a feeling...of despair.
  5. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    LOL, good one, W.K.! And maybe it would be a blessing, if they showed crap.
  6. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    lol:D. I'm with you - as long as there's no audio - video only would be ok, right?
  7. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Thank you wylie for that. I checked out those wiki sites, and they were very informative! I do hope TTC, unlike those Asian transit authorities, has planned no audio for our new on-board LCD TV screens which will apparently be on our New TTC Subway Cars. I just think its a pretty good captive...
  8. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Thank you very much for that. That's informative. I still bet that the majority of these on-subway car screens around the world are silent, or they would be considered obtrusive (in most cities, maybe not Asia). I would love to know the stats - in Asia especially - as to how much they are...
  9. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Totally agree with you, nfitz! see my response in 1627 Originally Posted by Jonny5 What ever happened with GO's TV screen project? As far as I can tell it's been completely abandoned and all the installed screens are deactivated. Sure sounds like it was actually a money loser. My...
  10. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    So what if i find this new feature interesting? If you find something else more interesting, then talk about it, instead of criticizing somebody else. BTW Enviro brought the screens up all by himself in post number 1564 (page 105 on Jan 9), and NOT in response to something i posted. My guess...
  11. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    I couldn't agree more with your (sarcastically expressed) point - there should be no audio, except for transit related or emergency messages. But first of all, I don't speak Cantonese (do you?) so i can't tell what's being said on this you tube home grown video, or if it's even coming from this...
  12. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Well, if you look over the last few pages, there seems to have been a few people discussing it, and more than anything else... Question of protocal: how do you capture and quote only a portion of someone's post? Thanks.
  13. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Cars 5401 - 5406 are outside the north entrance to the maintenance building at Wilson yards now. As for the endless discussion of screens, how about starting a seperate topic for that as several of you seem overly obsessed with the subject. How about starting your own thread all about...
  14. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    I agree with you, there should be more screens per car. And for the record, I didn't bring it up, this time... :-). Good luck trying to get an answer on delivery, though!
  15. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Completely different. Bad configuration - not all eyeballs; not an underground, captive audience - not all eyeballs. (bad comparison)
