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Rob Ford's Toronto

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You can't come in to this tense, jangled-nerve thread and drop stuff like this without some more details!

I'm wondering how many of us still have jangled nerves. I've been reading this board since the early 1000s, as well as every article I could get my hands on, and I'm now well past the point of Ford fatigue. I still care a lot what happens, but I no longer get excited when someone claims to have heard on the DL that big stuff is about to go down. Even the great MetroMan (and he has been great in many ways, at the very least as a sanity preserver) has predicted countless big breaks in the case that failed to materialize. Not a criticism, it's just how this thing has gone and probably will continue to go. At this point I need more than scuttlebutt to get me out of my chair.
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Sorry! No more details other than some lawyers will be very busy today and tomorrow.

I'll keep what I hear to myself until I can verify further in the future. I don't mean to be a tease, I just get excited and want to give back to the community that has given me so much in this crazy story we've become obsessed with.
Sorry! No more details other than some lawyers will be very busy today and tomorrow.

I'll keep what I hear to myself until I can verify further in the future. I don't mean to be a tease, I just get excited and want to give back to the community that has given me so much in this crazy story we've become obsessed with.

Statements like yours, are just that, teases! Not meant as an attack:)

If someone is willing to state a fact, lawyers looking at such and such....etc, then post away. Anything else should be kept until the info can be confirmed.

We should deal in facts, just as we expect super Mario bros to do.

If one cannot divulge certain direct information for fear of giving up their identity, then lead us in the right direction?

Having said all that, steroid boy is not JUST steroids! Do your google research on that one! Hint, take a look at one of his pics where he's driving. It's already been mentioned that steroid boy went to same school as super Mario bros.......hint hint nudge nudge!
I would point out that many people in that age group are being forced to live at home longer due to economic factors these days. "Hurr, dum babies still living at home!" is typically the kind of remark you hear from out of touch suburbanite morons who are kept oblivious by their insular lives of unrecognized privledge.
Good idea but, unfortunately, reporters in this city don't have balls.

I'm sorry, I need to defend the press corps here. Have you watched ANY of the live feeds? Do you not understand that the 'Anything Else?' defence/deflection was BECAUSE they were asking hard questions? Did you miss the part where the Global dude goaded Ford into the crack confession?
Goaded? Thats not how I remember it but agree with you that most questions ARE being asked, they are just being deflected with slogans.

Rub set up that slam dunk though. "what was that question you were all asking? no, not that one... EXACTLY"
Sorry! No more details other than some lawyers will be very busy today and tomorrow.

I'll keep what I hear to myself until I can verify further in the future. I don't mean to be a tease, I just get excited and want to give back to the community that has given me so much in this crazy story we've become obsessed with.

Thanks eyewonder.

Can you at least tell us which day to expect said bomb?

We can reference back and either glorify you as the next MM, or shower you with boos as another useless troll. ;)
Statements like yours, are just that, teases! Not meant as an attack:)

If someone is willing to state a fact, lawyers looking at such and such....etc, then post away. Anything else should be kept until the info can be confirmed.

We should deal in facts, just as we expect super Mario bros to do.

If one cannot divulge certain direct information for fear of giving up their identity, then lead us in the right direction?

Having said all that, steroid boy is not JUST steroids! Do your google research on that one! Hint, take a look at one of his pics where he's driving. It's already been mentioned that steroid boy went to same school as super Mario bros.......hint hint nudge nudge!

You ask eyewonder to divulge direct information, the post a cryptic message about "juiceman".

Can you divulge the direct information? I did a google search and didnt find any pics of him driving. Please post the pic and your speculation! :)
He's just being cryptic. There's one shot of him in a car where he's pointing at the camera and has two rolled up things in his mouth, I couldn't make out what they were.

edit: on this page towards bottom
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Sorry! No more details other than some lawyers will be very busy today and tomorrow.

I'll keep what I hear to myself until I can verify further in the future. I don't mean to be a tease, I just get excited and want to give back to the community that has given me so much in this crazy story we've become obsessed with.

Oh don't be a dick. If you're sitting on information, reveal it. Anonymously, if that's what it takes. Create a new account and post it from public wifi at McDicks or Starbucks. If you're not at liberty to reveal anything, don't say a thing to begin with. It's been so annoying people saying "expect a big story in the coming days!" and nothing materializes. You're just getting people amped up for no reason. I'm personally sick of it.
Many many (many many...) threads ago someone had put together a map of Ford's 'hood with all pertinent locations marked (including his MSG sources).....please post again!
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