Toronto Telus House - 25 York Street | 136.24m | 30s | Menkes | Sweeny &Co

There will be retail along Bremner as far as I know-- possibly not right at the sidewalk, but set back in the lobby. Maybe? I am speaking from memory.
Is someone gonna snap us pics. of the new Union Station entrance and Telus Tower cladding or do I have to go down there myself? hahaha
yes i don't have a camera, but even if i did, getting pictures would still be hard. it's cold and everyone has a busy life.

i'm always greatful when someone posts pictures. nobody on this forum is a slacker. f you really want to see a building, go downtown and look at it yourself. in all honesty, that's the only way you can really appreciate the size and design of a building.

get out and walk! enjoy and experience the city you love so much.
Hahaha. Before this thread spirals into disarray...

I am going down in 10 minutes to get photos, okay? :) And I'm damn excited to see what's changed down there.

I'm up at Bloor but I just went down and I'm back already. (It's freezing so I was fast at it.)

The images will be up in 10 minutes.
