Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

I do not own a condo in Casa and have no intention of buying one. I'm quite happy where I am in my little apt. I'm pretty sure the mod is going to end this pretty soon so let me sum up in saying, if you want to help people, then help them, don't create a situation of dependency where they will never improve and will simply die on the streets at a very young age.

That's what Sanctuary does. You clearly are very detached from what they do there. It troubles me that you think you have a groundbreaking, more educated approach to this difficult situation than you do. Welcome to a reality of living near Yonge Street or in any big city for that matter.
Giving something to someone for free is not helping them. People have to earn something to take pride in it. The best way to help these people is to offer addiction councelling, job and apartment placements and other pro-active solutions.

You also have to recognize that a good chunk of people are beyond help. If you've spent the last 20 years on the street, it is probably impossible to hold down a job and live the life of an ordinary citizen. Smarter people than me have grappled with what to do with this sub-segment, and I don't think there's any completely satisfactory solutions.
I do not own a condo in Casa and have no intention of buying one. I'm quite happy where I am in my little apt. I'm pretty sure the mod is going to end this pretty soon so let me sum up in saying, if you want to help people, then help them, don't create a situation of dependency where they will never improve and will simply die on the streets at a very young age.
Good summary androiduk. I agree 100%. Incidently, my wife and I were in Manhattan a couple of years ago. We couldn't believe how clean the city was and virtually no druggies or homeless anywhere in site. Apparently, they made it a crime to "enable" beggars on the street. The thought is, just like a drug addict, they really need to realize that they cannot go on this way. As long as they keep getting fed or given cash then hey, life is good. I know this sounds cruel but there is definately 2 trains of thought. Did you know that drug rehabs will not take someone in if they are not serious about getting well? Did you know they need to be clean for at least 7 days (really hard for a drug addict) before they are admitted? Unless someone really wants to improve themselves, they will not. So then, is the Sanctuary helping or enabling? I'm not judging anyones view's, just merely giving another view point. And yes, it would be nice to get our parks back in my view. Either way, I am still looking forward to move into CASA. I will just avoid the park and hang out next to the pool...yeah baby!
^ Toronto always seems to be a bit behind on these things but they're slowly getting there after years of no results with the status quo. Except for things like this, Yonge/Bloor is a great crazy, busy neighbourhood and I can't imagine living anywhere else. It is only going to get better with the addition of all the new condos and residents in the area. There's a great park (Ramsden Park) about 6 blocks north on Yonge St. across from the Rosedale Station. It's huge and even has tennis courts. I want my little girls to grow up in a very urban environment as we plan to split our time between here and London, U.K. and you can't get more urban than Yonge & Bloor.
^ Toronto always seems to be a bit behind on these things but they're slowly getting there after years of no results with the status quo. Except for things like this, Yonge/Bloor is a great crazy, busy neighbourhood and I can't imagine living anywhere else. It is only going to get better with the addition of all the new condos and residents in the area. There's a great park (Ramsden Park) about 6 blocks north on Yonge St. across from the Rosedale Station. It's huge and even has tennis courts. I want my little girls to grow up in a very urban environment as we plan to split our time between here and London, U.K. and you can't get more urban than Yonge & Bloor.
I'll have to check out that park on my next excursion. Thanks androiduk
Another floor has been completed on Casa.


As far as discussion about the neighbours goes, so far for me it is at most a very minor annoyance. But yes, I'd prefer if the issue simply "went away". I'm not sure anyone knows how to achieve this or if it's at all possible. The 4 gentlemen sitting on the bench above were once again in those same seats yesterday not hurting anyone. It would be completely different if they were approaching me begging for money or wreaking havoc. That's never happened anytime I've gone by this area.

However, last night on Carlton Street between Yonge and Maple Leaf Gardens I was approached 4 times for money. That's a much bigger nuisance and I'm sure doesn't leave a good impression to tourists staying in those hotels there. And I never see police on foot along this stretch as much as I do in the parks that run parallel to Yonge St.
When these guys are sober they aren't much more than an annoyance but when they start getting drunk or stoned, it's a different story. I've lost count of how many times I've been harassed or threatened. They've even gone after my children (4 & 5 years old!). The other day when I came home one of the jokers who hangs out here was riding his bike along my street and started spraying me with imaginary bullets from his imaginary Uzi. If my kids had been with me I would have called it in but I let it go because I knew he was stoned. I'm very familiar with him and although he's a bit aggressive when he's straight he's not acting like a psycho. I'm out walking in the neighbourhood a lot and some kind of confrontation is usually a daily occurrence. Nobody should have to put up with this just because it's 'downtown'. Once you move in, make sure you complain if you're threatened or harassed. The community liaison officer is the best way to go.
^Don't like them? Can you spare $100?

If there's 10 of them you don't like, here's what you do:

Round them up with the promise of a free ride and meal.

Take them to the bus station. Buy them a one way ticket to Hamilton. ($10) Make certain they get on the bus. Ps, give them a pack of smokes to share.


Problem solved.:D
LOL UD. I thought of something similar recently. I heard that Hilary Weston gave a bunch of $ to the Sanctuary a few years back. Maybe someone should round up all these guys and take them to Holt Renfrew's for lunch. Do you think she'd let them in?
Another floor

Thanks casa-guy. Looks like they are on a roll. It appears they have started on the 17th floor. Do you think they will be completely done before the end of next year? Not sure when I should be putting up my house for sale (even though I am scared to find out what it is worth today)?
we took the stairs of course, elevators arent installed yet! this is only from about the 15th floor on the way down. I think its up to around 26 floors currently... hope to post more images in the BSN thread soon.
Do you think they will be completely done before the end of next year?

I don't think there's a chance they'll be completely done. But the building should be topped out by May. If you're on one of the higher floors, my guess is December 2009 at the earliest for a move-in.

Redroom and Tomms: Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing your latest adventure!
